Our North American Ginseng was grown in Southwestern Ontario Canada, a region famous for producing high-quality ginseng. The 5-year American Ginseng delivers much richer nutrition than younger ones. Harvested in November 2024, it is the freshest one on the market. Every piece of American Ginseng root from our company is hand-picked to ensure that our customers enjoy the highest quality product.
We are dedicated to bringing our superior quality ginseng to customers worldwide at very affordable prices so that more people can live healthier. In the past few decades, even though we have experienced ups and downs due to international market fluctuations, all our employees have been working hard and pursuing this goal persistently.
For the best interests of our customers, we only sell quality ginseng roots from our ginseng fields located in Ontario Canada, follow stringent quality control standards, set very affordable prices and keep them stable all year round, and provide a convenient and secure online shopping platform, use fast and dependable global delivery services, and guarantee 100% satisfaction.
Our business is from our society, and it must be for our society. We have been actively promoting corporate citizenship by taking social responsibility. Like many other well-respected companies, we have put the interests of our customers and society above our interests. We believe such efforts will help make life a bit easier for our customers. If you have feedback, please do not hesitate to tell us. At Canada Ginseng Farm, we always ensure we do the right things for our customers and society.
Sharon Jia –
Yanhua Chen –
Yingqiang Wu –
Renliang Ji –
我一般都在美国当地一家比较大的农场买花旗参,买了几次还行,但是上次我回国前订的,等我一个月后从国内回来都还没收到,打电话过去要求退款,他们说不能退款只能当作下次买的balance,我觉得这很不合理,最后经过几番周折才好不容易要回了钱。这回看到这个加拿大的西洋参农场,很多顾客都留言说服务好。果然,刚下完单就收到一个订单的confirmation email,第二天就收到他们的发货通知,还可以查快递状态,今天收到的产品看上去挺不错,总体来说给个好评!
Keqin Zeng –
Shan Mai –
Wendy –