威格維爾 . 四年桶裝花旗參 (1磅/454克/16盎司)

(118 則顧客評價)


789 件庫存

Volume Discount 量販折扣
Quantity 數量 Discount 折扣 Price 單價
1 - 5 - C$49.00
6 - 9 5% C$46.55
10 + 10% C$44.10

Product Details


洋參參齡: 四年
產品規格: 每顆3-33克
品質等級: 一級
產品幹度: >97% (含水量<3%)
加工流程: 三次手工挑選,未經修剪

產品產地: 加拿大 . 安大略省 . 西南部
地塊編號: CGF-BO4Y-2411
土壤特性: Lake Erie 湖畔肥沃的沙質土壤
種植時間: 2020年09月到2024年11月
收成時間: 2024年11月

檢測機構: 美國歐陸食品安全檢測實驗室 (Eurofins)
檢測結果: 請參閱檢測報告
安全標準: 加拿大國民食品安全法案 (SOR/2018-108)
衛生證號: 4FT6R6KF (由加拿大食品檢驗局CFIA簽發)
出口證號: 24CA05739/CWHQ

入境他國: 可以攜帶到其他國家或地區,包括中國大陸,港澳和臺灣
攜帶數量: 憑出口許可證每人可攜帶凈重10磅 (4.5公斤)
官方許可: 出口許可證 (CITES) 由加拿大環境部簽發
證件提供: 免費,本農場為需要的顧客提供
入境風險: 零風險。若有意外,由本農場承擔 (請點擊查看詳情)

產品重量: 454克 (淨重) 479克 (毛重)
產品包裝: 加厚密封袋
包裝尺寸: 19.5釐米 X 7.0釐米 X 27.0釐米
精美分裝袋: 可以免費提供,請電話聯絡我們
發貨地址: 加拿大西洋參農場北美配貨中心
快遞時間: 1-15天,取決於顧客所在的地區 (請點擊查看)
運輸風險: 零風險,在顧客收到產品以前,本農場對產品負完全責任

基本功效: 增強人體免疫力,增加體力,提高註意力
藥效研究: 請查看綜合研究報告
適用人群: 長工作時間的繁忙人士,中老年顧客,和高學習壓力的學生
使用方式: 花旗參煲湯,參片泡水,或者粉末吞服
建議用量: 正常情況下成年人壹天使用3-5克
保存環境: 陰涼幹燥處 (空氣濕度<45%,環境溫度<25°C/77°F)
保質期限: 到2027年11月

溫馨提醒: 袋子裏的產品大小不壹,比較適合自用







重量 0.479 公斤
尺寸 19.5 × 7.0 × 27.00 公分

威格維爾 . 四年桶裝花旗參 (1磅/454克/16盎司) 共有 118 則評價

  1. 英語

    📩 You have 1 notification # 765454. Open >>> https://graph.org/GET-BITCOIN-TRANSFER-02-23-2?hs=773e41fa9820394c5541a7fb4b799619& 📩


  2. 英語



  3. 英語

    Yi Lu

    Mom asked me to buy ginseng grown in Canada for her cause she heard that the soil is cleaner. She is really satisfied with the strong taste of the Canadian ginseng compared to Wisconsin ginseng. She uses ginseng to make chicken soup, I like it and feel refresher and more energy the second day, ginseng is really help.

  4. 英語

    Greg Senecal

    I bought this for my wife since I have always know that ginseng is good. I make tea with ginseng from your farm and the wild mushroom from the woods near where I live. The tea tastes good.

  5. 英語


    I am suffering from depression and I want to give ginseng a try and it is working for me. I feel more energetic after using it daily.

  6. 英語


    We have bought many times for some of our patients at our clinic. Our patients have positive feedbacks for the ginseng. We will keep buying from your farm.

  7. 英語

    Rick (已購買)

    As a retired old man, it is GREAT to get REAL Ginseng again!!!!

    In the mad rush of our lives – over the years, I had switched to brand name capsules, but only the best brands, and some how always thought they were weak. I am so glad I tried this farm as all expensive capsules are useless!! Absolutely, and stand by that!

    The 1st time I tried 1/2 g of their (CGF) 4 yr value brand I was so happy and realized how much time and money I had wasted over the years, having assumed capsules at least helped a little bit 🙁 I had started on real Chinese 6 yr old extract 50 yrs ago, and that is a very “HOT” ginseng, meaning you can 36 hrs a day!! 🙂

    This is a “COOL” ginseng, and carries with it the potentials for much greater mindfulness: meditation, creative endeavors, mental organization and self awarenesses, entertainment, it really helps, plus the added energy.

    I had originally ordered from amazon, where it is very value priced compared to others, but ordering directly from Canadian Ginseng Farm this time and got twice as much for less 🙂

    Hope this helps and Cares 🙂

  8. 英語


    We consume ginseng everyday. We use a Crock- Pot to prepare our ginseng. Drinking ginseng tea keeps us healthy.

  9. 英語

    Yu Chen


  10. 英語

    Lilian Nguyen

    Use a ginseng cutter to cut the ginseng into small pieces and put into the thermos cup for overnight then drink it in the second morning. I can sleep better and feel more energy after taking ginseng. I will keep drinking ginseng tea.

  11. 英語

    Pei Ng


  12. 英語

    Linyun Z

    年纪大了, 就琢磨着吃点参,吃了以后居然前面秃顶的地方长出一些新发,头发也变黑了。该不是心理作用吧。继续吃参。

  13. 英語

    Simon Howarth

    I can feel my energy extremely improved! I have ordered 3 times. Ginseng is Amazing!

  14. 英語

    Robin Erb

    I like your ginseng a lot. I usually soak the root in water for 2 days and then make smoothie out of the softened ginseng and broth. And I am feeling stronger after take it.

  15. 英語

    Alpha Wu


  16. 簡體中文



  17. 英語

    Mac Ferreira


  18. 英語

    Chao Wang


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